These used houses have not had martins in them for some years. They are in the process of being refurbished and returned to service. Some scraping and painting, a little metalwork, and new poles will make them useful again. If you have used martin housing or gourds that you'd like to donate, let us know (414-698-9108).
My friend and colleague Kim Grveles of WDNR-ER sent me this story today, which she got from Andy Paulios some time ago: on a 1200-acre property in northeastern Adams County, a man has 150 pairs of martins which produced over 700 young in 2007, probably that many again in 2008, and an unknown number this year. He has 10 poles (160 houses) with ultimate plans for at least two additional poles and more houses. He started attracting martins in 1993. Obviously, hard work pays off!
1 comment:
Bill, The martin houses in NE Adams County must be near Buena Vista grasslands. Paul Hunter
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