Friday, July 8, 2011

Purple Martin success at Forest Beach Migratory Preserve!

Three martin houses each have nesting birds this summer! Photos to come soon. Thanks for help with house installation from the teram present at International Migratory Bird Day, and more - and from Mike Hoffer of the Ozaukee-Washington Land Trust and his interns.

Friday, April 29, 2011

new activities for 2011

Purple Martin activities for our group are about to go into motion again for 2011:
e-mail me to learn how you can help!

Bill Mueller at:

(Image source: Wikimedia Commons)

Monday, May 10, 2010

new martin house at Forest Beach Migratory Preserve

With some great assistance from Dennis Kaehny and Tom Schaefer, a new martin house built by Whitefish Bay Eagle Scout Domi Lauko is now up at Forest Beach Migratory Preserve in northern Ozaukee County. Also devoting their time to this effort this weekend to put in the foundation were Carl Schwartz, Andrew Struck, and Mark Feider. Thanks to everyone for your help!
New martin houses are still planned for several other southeastern Wisconsin locations this year. Contact me if you'd like to help, or donate to a fund for parts, hardware and poles. (Bill Mueller, at )

Monday, March 22, 2010

looking for help with martin housing this April

We're looking for volunteeers to help us erect new and used martin housing in southeastern WI this April. If you are interested, contact me at

Friday, January 15, 2010

new construction for Purple Martins!

High school student Domi Lauko of Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin decided he wanted to do something different for his Eagle Scout project. He met with us and made plans to provide us with several new houses. At the time, I did not realize that he really meant "several"! He then enlisted the aid of his fellow scouts to build a number of new martin houses (the photo shows a few of them stacked up in storage at the Urban Ecology Center in Milwaukee). We're finding sites for them and will install them this spring at various locations in southeastern Wisconsin. Thanks to Domi for a job well done. New martin colonies are hopefully not far off!
In 2010, if you would like to help our group install new martin houses and gourds; or collect, repair and refurbish older used houses (in good condition, only, please), contact me at

Thursday, October 29, 2009

autumn martin news


Over the coming months, we'll be working away at some equipment for next year's housing efforts. It will be months until we see a martin again here in Wisconsin, but although things have shifted gears, the Purple Martin Partners in southeastern Wisconsin will continue moving forward. If you would like to join us, contact Bill Mueller at at any time. We are gathering used martin houses or gourds in good condition when they are donated to us, and we have 5 new houses ready to go in spring of 2010!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

since we're not seeing any martins now...

You might enjoy reading this fine article about martins in migration.