This new blog is all about Purple Martins in Wisconsin - where they can be found, when they arrive in spring and depart in fall, how to provide "apartment"-style or gourd-type nesting structures for them, facts about their ecology/natural history, and other themes. The blog is "under-construction" - check back soon for more...
How important is it for martin houses to be near water?
Sounds like water is very important but not essential.
This is what I got from our meeting at the Urban Ecology Center on 12/3/08:
- Eagle Scout, Domi Lauko, will build a new house and place it in Lake Park, Washington Park or Enderis Park by 7/4/08
- Joe Devereaux, President of Enderis Park Bird Watching Club, will review Domi's plans and raise funds from his group
- Tim Vargo, Research Coordinator at Urban Ecology, will provide Domi with works space, storage and tools.
- Noel Cutright, ornithologist, will donate a used martin house when storage space is arranged
- Bill Mueller, will coordinate communication about the overall effort to increase Purple Martin populations in Wisconsin.
- Paul Hunter, Lake Park Birds, will facilitate getting permission to place a martin house in Lake Park if that is the site chosen and will provide a public forum at Lake Park for Domi to educate birders about upkeep on the martin house.
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